Mac edition:

Mobile edition:

If unsure how to use the classroom technology, please refer to this guide:

1. Locate the touchpanel in your classroom. A splash page will appear, please press the screen to take you to the main screen.

3. Click on the AirMedia button and wait for the projector to boot up.

4. This should be displayed on the screen:

5. Go to the URL listed on the screen. For this example it is http://AirMedia1358.HU.lcl

6. Then you will be prompted to download AirMedia Utility Software. Download the correct client for the operating system you are using.

7. When it is done downloading, click on it to run the program.

8. You will then be given a command prompt to enter code. You will use the code that is on the projector screen in the classroom. For this example the code is: 3690. Then click OK.

9. You will then have a popup that looks like this:

10. The stop button will end the AirMedia display and disconnect you from the AirMedia in the classroom.

11. Pause will allow you to pause the screen that is currently up when you click it. It will then freeze that screen and allow you to pull up other documents and do things on your laptop without the people in the classroom seeing it.

12. The Mute button mutes the audio.